New recreational management effort raises more questions than answers.

Willy Goldsmith from the American Saltwater Guides Association gets us all up to speed on the Recreational Reform Initiative (RRI), a comprehensive joint effort by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (Commission) to improve the management of four key recreational fisheries—black sea bass, fluke, scup, and bluefish. The process has been complex, evolving, and largely devoid of public input. However, now that concrete alternatives for the first piece of the RRI, the Recreational Harvest Control Rule (HCR) Framework/Addendum, are out in the public sphere, he shares his thoughts about and concerns with the effort. Read his post here.


Masters of the Fly - stripers on the flats.


August update from ASGA on amendment 7 and what it all means for striped bass.